Beyond the Buzz: The Unforeseen Risks of AI Tools

Akshay Sapra
2 min readApr 4, 2024


Ever typed a work email that felt like pulling teeth? Or spent hours wrestling with a report that just wouldn’t flow? Generative AI (genAI) tools like ChatGPT, and Bard ( or Gemini now!) are changing the game by automating those tedious tasks. They can write emails, generate reports, and — you guessed it — even help with writing!

But beneath the shiny glamour lies a hidden danger: the potential for massive data breaches and privacy violations. And if you are actively using these genAI tools and feeding them with sensitive data, it might be worthwhile for you to continue reading on.

A Feeding Frenzy of Sensitive Data

Instead of referring to personal anecdotes, I would like to share this recent study by Cisco which paints a concerning picture, where over half of the respondents admitted to using internal processes, employee data, and even non-public company information when interacting with genAI tools.

The potential consequences are dire. The study reveals that:

  • 77% of respondents fear their data could be leaked publicly or to competitors.
  • 69% worry about legal and intellectual property repercussions.
  • A significant portion of businesses have already restricted or banned genAI tools altogether.

If in case you think you do not have to worry about these consequences, well, think again.

  • GenAI learns from everything you feed it: These tools constantly train on user prompts, raising the unsettling possibility that sensitive information could be regurgitated or leaked.
  • Public exposure and competitor advantage: Imagine your competitor gaining access to your confidential product roadmap or marketing strategies — a nightmare scenario facilitated by genAI misuse.
  • Loss of intellectual property: Proprietary information like patents and trade secrets could be inadvertently leaked, jeopardizing your competitive edge.

The Privacy Gap Widens

The rampant use of genAI bodes well for productivity but it also coincides with a worrying lack of privacy awareness:

  • Less than half of businesses surveyed feel confident in meeting data privacy obligations.
  • Privacy budgets are being slashed despite heightened risks.

The Road Ahead: Balancing Innovation with Responsibility

Although some governments are trying their best to keep up with the evolution of genAI, organizations must also prioritize responsible use:

  • Develop clear policies: Define what data can and cannot be shared with genAI tools.
  • Educate employees: Train staff on the risks associated with genAI and data privacy.
  • Invest in privacy expertise: Ensure your organization has the resources to navigate the ever-changing privacy landscape.

The allure of AI-powered productivity is undeniable. But before diving headfirst, businesses must prioritize data security and responsible AI practices. The price of neglecting these crucial aspects could be far greater than any short-term gains.

By fostering a culture of data awareness and implementing robust safeguards, organizations can harness the power of genAI tools without compromising privacy or risking their competitive edge.

What are your thoughts? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!

